Greg Lambeth served as the Executive Director of Counseling and Mental Health Center at the University of Idaho from 2016-2024 where he also holds the academic rank of professor and is a tenured faculty member. Dr. Lambeth completed his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 1994 and was employed at the University of Illinois Counseling Center for 22 years before moving to the University of Idaho. Dr. Lambeth is a clinical psychologist by training and he has specialized in violence risk assessment and threat assessment.
Dr. Lambeth’s professional work in threat assessment began at the University of Illinois where he served on three campus-wide behavioral intervention and threat assessment teams. Dr. Lambeth was the consulting psychologist on all three of these teams and conducted violence risk assessments for the institution. Dr. Lambeth has also served as the consulting psychologist on the University of Idaho’s CARE (Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation) and Threat Assessment teams since 2016. Dr. Lambeth works as a consultant and he has given presentations on violence risk assessment and threat assessment at conferences and provided workshops to threat assessment teams and university health care clinics. He has presented on a number of campuses, including Montana State University, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and he has also conducted pre-conference workshops on threat assessment multiple times at the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors conference.