Adam Metts currently serves as Director of the Counseling Center for A&M-Commerce, with 30 years of experience as a licensed professional counselor and board approved supervisor. Adam has served as a practicing clinician, supervisor and mentor and is a passionate advocate for the advancement of training and supervision in counseling, social work, and psychology. Adam developed the graduate training program at A&M-Commerce in 2018 to help elevate the standards of supervision for clinical placement sites for clinical mental health counselors in training in college counseling centers.
Adam co-authored the suicide gatekeeper training at A&M-Commerce, “Responding to the Distressed Student” in 2022 to help provide an advanced hands-on and team-based course in suicide prevention and training for A&M-Commerce. Adam currently serves as a member of the Critical Incidence Response Team (CIRT) and the Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) at A&M-Commerce and has extensive training and experience in trauma-based care and Critical Incidence Stress Management (CISM).