February 7, 2025 | 2-3:00pm ET | Members-Only Event
One of the most emotionally taxing responsibilities a Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) will face is supporting their institution through the death of a student. Drawing from practical experiences, NABITA Consultant Aaron Austin, Ed.D., will highlight key campus partners and their respective roles in ensuring a compassionate, organized response. This includes a streamlined notification process for responding to a student’s death and the primary steps to take to support the campus. Attendees will leave the session with a practical framework for this difficult task that can be adapted to meet the unique circumstances of these unfortunate events.
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K-12 Professional Development Package
- For one-year per K-12 School or District
- Access to NABITA services and products worth up to $20,000, without per-item fees
- Six complimentary registrations to NABITA Certification Courses for K-12 Schools or Districts
- One free consulting hour with our NABITA experts
- Member pricing on events and newly released products
- VIP Social at NABITA Annual Conference
- Electronic access to all NABITA books
- CARE Team Manual, Case Management Manual, and BIT in a Box
- Access to all training videos
- Access to all available webinars prior to current calendar year
- Risk Assessment Tools including SIVRA-35, VRAWW, Risk Rubric, and Non-Clinical Assessment of Suicide
- Unlimited individual members (sub-users) with full access
- ConcernCenter Lite
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- Opportunities to apply for participation in NABITA programs such as Mentor Match and Community Connections
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- For one-year per Higher Education Institution, K-12 School or District, Organization, or Workplace
- Unlimited individual members (sub-users) with full access
- Access to thirteen 20-Minutes-to...Trained video modules
- Electronic access to 2 NABITA books published prior to current calendar year
- Risk Assessment Tools including SIVRA-35, VRAWW, Risk Rubric, and Non-Clinical Assessment of Suicide
- Self-Care Savings
- Opportunities to apply for participation in NABITA programs such as Mentor Match and Community Connections
- And more!
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- Access to seven 20-Minutes-to...Trained video modules
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- Opportunities to apply for participation in NABITA programs such as Mentor Match and Community Connections
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