Meet Amy!
Surprise! This is one of Amy’s employees submitting on her behalf. She would never take the opportunity to shine a spotlight on all the incredible things she does!
What is a challenge Amy faces doing BIT work?
The biggest challenge she faces is not everyone understands the complex and important layers it takes to manage the process of intervening with a student of concern. There are a lot of opportunities do to the wrong thing without the proper training, understanding of institutional liability, and familiarity with case law. Amy strives to do the right thing and have the most positive outcome for everyone.
What is a successful achievement Amy has had doing BIT work?
Amy has been able to really integrate, streamline, and promote the critical work done through BIT and case management. She has tirelessly advocated the importance of centralizing this information, creating systems so people can report early and often, and craft our responses so they are tied to best practices, data, and appropriate assessments. She always has her focus on what is best for the student, while preventing liability for the institution. She was able to successfully integrate the Early Alert and Leave of Absence/Withdrawal process into our BIT (Care) and case management. Streamlining all of these processes has allowed her to serve in a leadership role with the covid-19 response through leading the contact tracing team, creating systems for faculty notifications, and monitoring trends with the students.
How has NABITA helped Amy to be a better professional?
The NABITA training has been invaluable. All of the NABITA folks are so knowledgeable, accessible during training, willing to answer questions, and problem solve. It really makes the training and events more effective; it also allows for greater understanding and applicability for our institution.
What is one way Amy practices self-care doing such intense work?
Amy likes to go to the beach and spend time with her family. She enjoys working out and iced coffees/teas.
How has having a BIT/CARE team improved the experience of students, staff, and faculty at your institution?
Having better coordination of information and response protocols has allowed us to streamline many aspects of our response. The consistency and service folks at our institution receive, under Amy’s leadership, from our office has significantly increased the confidence in our ability to support the students. The number of students our office serves has more than quadrupled under her leadership. While many would flinch at that kind of growth, she continued to pivot and find ways to provide the best for our students. This growth really only demonstrated the unfulfilled need that always existed.
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